Monday, April 26, 2010

Painting with Style

Traditional designs grace the exterior of all buildings in Bhutan. Walking through the streets of the capital and visiting temples in the countryside reveal the intricacy of Bhutanese design. Floral patterns are painted and engraved alongside Buddhist symbols in order to preserve the Kingdom's rich culture.

Protecting a house with a painting of a phallus is believed to ward off evil spirits. Dating back to the 15th century, this practice is especially common in the rural areas of Bhutan.

Shoes are drying on a windowsill of a flat in Thimphu town.

In a clockwise direction, a villager is circling the Kurjey Temple in Bumthang,
the holy center of Bhutan.

Closer appreciation of the intricate design painted on the doorway to the Kurjey Temple.

A Bhutanese painter shows off his style!


  1. These are just great...hope you can replicate such designs, even in a small way, in SF someday!

  2. These are really cool - when you come home you'll have to try your hand at replicating them with the girls - they'd love it!

  3. oh, art with the girls! i had only thought of yoga and gymnastics lessons :) well, i'll try my hand at art too! may have to invite teta alberta to join!
